• Welcome!

    Welcome back to school and thank you for enrolling in GCOM 424 - Game Art. I have some really amazing things planned for this class and I know you are as excited to be in this class as I am excited to teach it.

    Before we get started, however, please take this opportunity to bookmark this page. Renderography.com will serve as our digital anchor for the course materials in this class. I will be posting all class assignments, rubrics and course details on this website. In addition to working on Renderography.com, will be utilizing D2L to turn in our projects, issuing feedback and grades. Please ensure you have access to D2L with your student identification number. Contact the SCC help desk with any problems you have accessing D2L.

    In addition to Renderography.com and D2L, you will be receiving a number of emails from me every week. Please update your personal email information in D2L with your current email information.


    In this course, students will explore the production of video game graphics. The course follows the role of the video game artist through the game development process. Using industry standard graphic software, students will develop and refine three-dimensional video game assets. Topics covered include concept art, understanding and developing game assets, and troubleshooting. The artistic side of video game design will be emphasized; this course is not a computer programming course. Here are a few of the things we'll be exploring this semester:

    • create, manipulate, and author video game art assets.
    • demonstrate an understanding of the various roles of a professional video game artist.
    • demonstrate an understanding of the video game art pipeline.
    • critique the art projects of others.
    • analyze and compare the work of professional game artists.
    • successfully 'pitch' game art concepts.

    It is not a secret anymore that the game industry is exploding in, both, size and popularity. This course will prepare you to build 3D models that can be efficiently inserting into a traditional game development pipeline. Strap in and hold on! This is going to be a great semester!

  • Download the Syllabus (10pts)

    document_iconAs I mentioned during today's lecture, we will be leveraging the power of the digital distribution system on a weekly basis. I have uploaded a copy of the syllabus to the "Content" page in D2L. Please download and save the digital syllabus for your own personal educational records. FYI - there might be a quiz on the details of the syllabus next week.......hint, hint, nudge, nudge. You might want to take a closer look at the document.

    Download Syllabus

    Student Survey (10pts)

    document_iconIn an effort to best serve my students, I would like to know as much about you as possible. I have created a short student survey on D2L. It shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to complete, so you'll be able to knock it out pretty quick. Its worth 10 points, so make sure you finish it!

    Go to D2L
  • Just Think for a moment.....

    Today, you are embarking upon a great journey. This voyage, at times, will be tiresome, frustrating and fraught with disaster but the riches of your destinations are endless. College represents a period of your life where you, as an individual, are encouraged to look towards the future and conceptualize the life ahead. What does your future look like? Where do you want to go in life? How are you going to change your world? Take a minute and reflect on the following quote and bring to class next week your energy, passion and dedication towards your future goal.

    The last few decades have belonged to a certain kind of person with a certain kind of mind - computer programmers who could crank code, lawyers who could craft contracts, MBAs who could crunch numbers. But the keys to the kingdom are changing hands. The future belongs to a very different kind of person with a very different kind of mind - creators and empathizers, pattern recognizers and meaning makers. These people-artists, inventors, designers, storytellers, caregivers, consolers, big picture thinkers--will now reap society's richest rewards and share its greatest joys. - Daniel Pink
  • Important Documents


    Check out these awesome learning resources! I've collected a number of assets that I think will help you conquer this week's homework and laboratory assignment. Please download the following materials to your local hard disk or flash storage device (AKA thumb drive).



    Here are some important links for this week's learning materials. Make sure you add these important assets into your personal library by bookmarking them!