• Formal elements are those elements that form the structure of the game. Without them, games cease to be games. Players, objectives, procedures, rules, resources, conflict, boundaries and outcome: These are the essence of games, and a strong understanding of their potential interrelationships is the foundation of game design.

  • 3.3, 3.4, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 and 3.12 (50pts)


    Project Due: Week 05

    Please answer the following questions and submit your answers to the dropbox. Please submit Word Documents or Text documents only.

    3.3 - Interaction Patterns

    For each of the interaction patterns, create a list of your favorite games in each pattern. If you can't think of any games in a particular pattern, research games in that area and play several of them.

    3.4 - Objectives

    List ten of your favorite games and name the objectives for each. Do you see any similarities in these games? Try to define the type or types of games that appeal to you.

    3.8 - Utility and Scarcity

    What are the resources in the games Scrabble and Doom? How are they useful to players? How are they made scarce by the game system?

    3.9 - Resources Types

    For each of the resource types described, create a list of your favorite games that use resources of that type. If you can't think of any games that use a particular type of resource, research games that do and try to play several of them.

    3.10 - Conflict

    Explain how conflict is created in the following games: Tetris, Frogger, Bomberman, Minesweeper and Solitaire. Does the conflict in these games come from obstacles, opponents, dilemmas or a combination of these?

    3.12 - Outcome

    Name two zero-sum games and two non zero-sum games. What is the main difference in the outcomes of these games? How this affect gameplay?

    All Finished with your Homework?


    After you have saved the project file on your personal external storage device (like a thumb drive), please upload your Microsoft Word Document (.docx) or your text file (.txt) to the 3.3, 3.4, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 and 3.12 dropbox on D2L.

    Before you upload your files to D2L, please ensure your files meet the following naming conventions:

    • lastname_gcom_420_chapter03.docx
    Submit Your Assignment
  • The Dot Game


    For today's lab assignment, you are going to play a simple game called The Dot Game. Find a partner in the class, doesn't matter who, and grab a few sheets of blank paper and a couple of pens. The game is a lot easier to play and manage if you use the entire sheet of paper when placing your dots. Reference the rules below to figure out how to play the game. After you are finished playing though the game once, play the game two or three mores times until I prompt you to stop playing.

    Rules of the Game

    1. Draw three dots randomly on the paper. Choose a player to go first.
    2. The first player draws a line from one dot to another dot.
    3. Then that player draws a dot anywhere on that line.
    4. The second player also draws a line and a dot:
      • - The new line must go from one dot to another. but no dot can have more than three lines coming out of it.
      • - Also, the new line cannot cross any other line.
      • - The new dot must be placed on the new line.
      • - A line can go from a dot back to the same dot as long as it doesn't break the no more than three lines rule.
    5. The players take turns until one player can not make a move. The last player to move is the winner.